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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Outdoor Activities for Kids with a Side of Nature {#Humor}

Outdoor Activities for Kids Spring is finally here.

Which is a good thing considering it's almost Summer.

No matter, we're embracing the good weather and enjoying every last minute of it.

In doing so, The Kids have started to incorporate more of nature in their everyday play. No more swing sets or tricycles for these guys.

Knowing that many of you enjoy the outdoors as much as we do, I thought that I'd share some activities that The Kids have been creating all on their own.

The best part, they require minimal materials, don't cost any money and they all come naturally to three-year olds.

Win, win, win!

  1. Have them pick all the "grey" dandelions (and we all know how much I love dandelions) and blow the seeds all over the property,
  2. Have them let every single mosquito inside the house and then run around trying to kill them,
  3. Have them track mud throughout the house and then vacuum it up,
  4. Have them help you weed by pulling out all the plants and then replant them again,
  5. Let them bathe in the moldy and bacteria infested water table,
  6. Determine whether yellow weeds or green weeds taste better.

Note that just in case you can't tell, this is a humourous post and I am being sarcastic. I do not recommend that you actually do any of these activities with your children. All or some may result in 3,456,234 more hours of dandelion picking, excessive mosquito bites, carpet cleaning bills, scurvy during the winter, and colds.

What Have Your Kids Been Doing?

Journeys of The Zoo  Besos, The Zoo


  1. The algae-filled water table is a favourite for my kid too!

  2. Sounds like hours of fun. ;) What fun you must have with 3 3yr olds.

  3. LOL

    I hope my teens don't do any f those activities... but on the other had, these may be better for them.


  4. Don't forget the bats to chase the mosquitos in the house. LOL laughing out of control or LOOC. :) Love the suggestions. I have a 10 year old and trying to pinterest ideas for her this summer.

  5. I love letting in ever single mosquito!! It would keep the cats busy too LOL

  6. Love it!! I already get muddy trails on my carpets, so I'll have to pass on that one!! So, what have we been up to? Besides being sick? Well, it is still raining in town so we go to the park whenever we get a chance to do so....or the boys go outside and jump on the puddles while it rains (hence the muddy trails on my carpet). :)

  7. I laughed so much at this! My youngest likes to pull out all the plants and my youngest NEVER closes the door!

    Wishing you a lovely weekend!

  8. Hey, I love picking the gray dandelions lol!

  9. Sadly we have done most of these things too! Hahaha gotta love kids.

    Thanks for linking up again. You rock!

  10. LMAO You're hilarious. I remember doing all those things as a kid...except the mosquitos. Instead, I screamed bloody murder until someone squished that S.O.B.

  11. I had to laugh at this! I am not sure who is guilty of more infractions - my little guys or my older girls (who should know better!).

  12. layghed at this as well/ 2 year old and 4 year old do all these things lol

  13. As a mom, I got a had a good laugh reading this! I can relate, not only are my kids like this but my husband too. He loves the outdoors and loves bringing it back into my house. Just last weekend he went white water rafting and my home had more mud and rocks than the river when he came home! Thanks for the laughs!
