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Monday, October 29, 2012

ShesConnected 2012: Exceeded Expectations!

ShesConnected 2012 exceeded all of my expectations.

Not too hard to believe because...

I didn't have any.

It's not that I didn't have any idea about what was going to happen. In fact, I knew what I was going to be doing and where I would be from 10pm Thursday evening until Midnight on Saturday.

Thankfully, schedules were flexible enough to allow for tilting at windmills.

While I didn't have expectations, I definitely had goals.

-- Listen and learn from the Leaders in their industries.
-- Meet with Brands and share Journeys of The Zoo with them.
-- Make and develop lifelong friendships.

I was not disappointed.

Everyone was on equal playing fields.

No computer screens to hide behind.
No editing or delete buttons to push.

I could taste the vulnerability. Note that I might have cut my lip.

For the first time in three years, I traded my family's needs for mine.

Four whole days.
Which I know all too well that I can never have back.

I don't regret my choice. Not much point anyways.

I feel like I lived it.
Experienced all that I could.

Below are the only pictures that I took. I think that they pretty much sum up what I was thinking about and the true essence of what I wanted to share with all of you.

Table centerpieces courtesy of PaperMate,
Friday's Lunch and
Beer Tasting with Molson Canadian.

Stay tuned for more riveting content.

Journeys of The Zoo  Besos, The Zoo


  1. I loved meeting you and this perspective you have is refreshing!

  2. It was so great to meet you Sarah :) And there was definitely a lot to learn at SCCTO :)

  3. Awesome! I'd really like to be able to hit up one of these Blogger events some day!

  4. Tilting windmills??? That's a new expression to me... at least I hope it was just an expression.


  5. Sounds fun-can't wait to hear more!

  6. Riveting? When did you get into construction? :p
