We got the results of the nitrate test back. Out of a "safe" 10 mg/L (you wouldn’t want young children to drink anything with more than 4), we got a rating of <.10. In other words, there were no nitrates present. It is safer for our kids to drink our tap water (<.10) than bottled water (which generally has a rating of 2.8, check out the value for NO3).

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Max's Finds His Thumb Works as well as a Soother.
We got the results of the nitrate test back. Out of a "safe" 10 mg/L (you wouldn’t want young children to drink anything with more than 4), we got a rating of <.10. In other words, there were no nitrates present. It is safer for our kids to drink our tap water (<.10) than bottled water (which generally has a rating of 2.8, check out the value for NO3).
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
When The Kids Don't Sleep Neither Do We.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
An Update on The Kids (6 Months Old) and My Crafting Mojo.
1. They've been sleeping through the night (9-10pm to 6-7am) since 4 months of age (actual).
2. As of today they are 6.5 months old (actual) and 4.5 months old (adjusted).
3. We use their adjusted age for major milestones (development, feeding, giving milk) until they are one year old (adjusted, February 16, 2011, they were REALLY born December 11, 2009).
4. Both can roll over (front to back and back to front). Artemis has recently gotten up on all fours.
5. Both talk alot, love to smile and "interact" with each other (talk, smile, touch).
6. They are really happy babies and hardly ever fuss (they were bad with the "witching hour" for the first few months that we had them home).
7. They've been home almost 5 months (Max came home on January 23 and Artemis on February 5).
8. They are on exclusive breast milk, take 5-6 bottles a day and eat seven (Max) and five (Artemis) ounces per bottle.
9. Max weighs 16 lbs and Artemis weighs 12 lbs.
Before I got pregnant, I took up knitting. I LOVE KNITTING. However, since October, I haven't taken up a pair of needles (no need to explain why). Today I got back into the swing of things and decided to make Max and/or Artemis a scarf (the only thing that I actually can knit). Here is a picture of it in progress.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
The Engagement
Friday, June 25, 2010
New Fridge
We left the house before 8am and got home around 4pm. The change in routine threw the kids for a loop and they were really off (read fussy) tonight.
We dropped off a water sample at the lab (the province doesn't cover it) to test for nitrates (which are bad for babies). We get the results back in 1 week.
We came home with a new fridge (the exact same one as we had, hopefully it was just that fridge and not the model that has problems). We have to wait 24 hours for the refrigerant to settle (we had the fridge on its side) before we plug it in. I can handle 24 more hours...
Thursday, June 24, 2010
On All Fours
Well, it's not pretty but Artemis can get up (by herself) on all fours. She can stay up for a good 5 seconds and then usually does a face plant (forward). Like I said, it's not pretty. Thankfully, Max is happy lying on his back, watching the world go by. I'll hold off on having two crawling at the same time for as long as possible!
I've tried to get some pictures, but I'm sure that you can imagine, it's not an easy feat. This is as good as it gets (she's also having a hissy fit, makes for twice the fun)!
Here are a couple more cute ones (taken post hissy fit).
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Pre-Pregnancy Jeans
The kids, dogs and I went on another power walk. I think that the last of my weight is going to be the hardest to get rid of.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Nanna Leaves, Chaos Arrives
It's now 9:30pm and I'm typing this with one hand (Artemis is helping...). Max has just gone to sleep and, believe it or not, I'm going to wake him up in an hour (for his final feed). I know, let a sleeping baby lie, however, if I don't, he'll get up at 3-5am.
To be fair, Artemis should be given credit for being the ringleader. While both kids are teething, I think that today was just a case of being overly tired. That or it's a full moon!?
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day!
We hope that everyones day was special.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Nap Time
It was really hot here today (hopefully a sign of things to come). Daddy and Artemis enjoyed a nap together in the sunroom (like Father, like Daughter)
Friday, June 18, 2010
Internet Problems
Not that it matters much as I don't have much time for phones and computers anymore. Although, I do look forward to and am challenged by trying to come up with a post concept each day, for all my fans...
To get caught up...
Nanna Hood arrived yesterday.
The kids went to the doctor for their 6-month check-up. Luckily (for them, not me!) the nurse wasn't in so we have to go back in two weeks for their shots. Don't they realize that it takes me two weeks to plan for such an excursion. In addition, I won't have my mother to help me. Such is life.
Here is a picture of them at the doctors office.
Zombie Child #3
Max and his Toys
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Happy Birthday Nanna (2010)!
Today, for the first time in a while, both kids were hungry at the same time. Trying to feed two of them at the same time makes for pulled muscles (for me) and milk everywhere. I just try to give one of them enough milk so they'll be happy long enough for me to finish feeding the other one. Max was the patient one today. Normally, you can't separate him from food (is it any surprise given the size of his belly).
The "Swings of Neglect" are still our best friend and the kids are starting to spend more time in their "Circles of Neglect" (a.k.a. exersaucer).
Today is Nanna's Birthday and the kids can't wait to give her a kiss when she comes for a visit (tomorrow or Friday). Well not really a kiss, Max tries to eat your face. Adorable!
Monday, June 14, 2010
BBQ with "Uncle" Eric The Sheriff
Sunday, June 13, 2010
The North Terrace
Today was such a nice day that we decided to have a BBQ on the “North Terrace” (that's Ed's name for it, I call it the “Front Deck, smile). The kids put on their sun gear (more to protect them from the mosquitos) and we thought that they looked like “Indiana Jones” and “Wilhelmina” from the “Temple of Doom” (drool and all).
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Max and Artemis Just Hanging Out and Chewing Their Cud.
The kids had a great day and before bed we had a chance to "hang out". Here's a picture that I took while holding Artemis, it's not too great (a regular theme with my picture taking lately).
In case you didn't know, if you click on the picture it displays a larger image.
Friday, June 11, 2010
6-Months Old!
In celebration of the kids 6-month birthday, we thought that we would re-create their birth in all it's naked glory. Well, almost. We protected their modesty and took pictures after bathtime. The following pictures will be shown at their wedding (smile).
Max is looking at me in the mirror (he loves mirrors), taking a picture of him. His dialogue is something like this...
Max: Hey good looking!
Artemis: You're talking to yourself.
Max: Oh, got a soother.
As you can see, Artemis is starting to get some "wrist rolls".
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The Kids Learn How to Put Things in Their Mouth!
There are only so many cute pictures of the babies doing nothing that one can take without the fear of alienating readers but… today Artemis learned how to take an item and successfully put it into her mouth (without hitting her eye, ear, nose and anything else along the way). So we needed a picture of that!
Max has been practicing grabbing (a moving target hanging from his tummy mat) with both hands. Although in this picture he is demonstrating “Swinging in his Chair” (literally, smile).
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Baptism Invitations
The invitations were purchased in Mexico (by Ed's Mother, Rosina) and are in Spanish (as you can see). We think that this is such a nice touch, incorporating their Spanish heritage into this special event. Gracias Abuela!
Here is a picture of the invitation (thanks Eric!). For those of you that will be attending, expect to find one in your (physical) mailbox "shortly". For those of you unable to attend, let me know if you'd like one as a keepsake as I have some extras.

The Kids Get Weighed at Their First BabyTalk Visit.
The kids haven't been weighed for 4 weeks and they didn't disappoint. Artemis went from 10 lbs 7oz to 11 lbs 6.5oz. Ed and I both thought that she'd be closer to 13 lbs. Regardless, she's in the ideal weight gain for her age (4-8oz a week) so we're happy with that. As for "Max the Tank", he went from 13 lbs 12 oz to 15 lbs 11 oz. Almost 16 pounds and a 2 pound gain! Apparently their growth will slow down now (1.5-3oz a week).
Arla and I chatted a lot about baby food as I'm getting myself psyched up for when they start eating. That won't happen until August 16 (6 months adjusted, from their due date of February 16) but there is so much to know and so many myths.
Monday, June 7, 2010
The Before Picture Isn't Anything Like the After One.
The kids spent the better part of 30 minutes tiring themselves out by playing with their Tiny Love Noah's Ark Play Mat. I was pleased that they played with it for so long as they usually only like to be on the ground for 10-15 minutes at the most.
Note Artemis's discarded bib in the top right corner. It reads "cuddle me, I'm cute".
It's kind of cute how it ended up...
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Winter in June
Sorry for the poorly taken pictures. I blame it on the camera!?
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Friday Night Auction
Thursday, June 3, 2010
A Whole Lot of Nothing
Today we caught a few special moments. Artemis was trying to call her Abuela with the new phone she gave her
and Max was showing Artemis his chubby belly which Artemis enjoyed licking. Note that Max's bib reads "I Love My Grandma"! They're now wearing bibs during the waking hours as they drool, A LOT.