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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Week In Review, Visit from Nanna

Sorry for not posting but we've been really busy (as this post will show). Here is the Week in Review.

Nanna arrived on Wednesday afternoon.

When Max woke up from his afternoon nap (3:30pm) he had a fever of 37.3 to 38.5. Although he felt way hotter (almost too hot to hold). I called TeleHealth and they said it’s a virus and to keep him comfortable (cold cloths, tepid bath water, tempra). At 11pm, we thought that he might go to bed so I gave him 1 ml of Tempra (he was allowed up to 2 ml based on his weight). The second it touched his lips, he puked all over me and the carpet and the couch and himself (you get the idea). At this point, I just thought that he might have a stomach flu, be allergic to Tempra or not like cherry flavour (he has yet to eat a fresh cherry). After everything/one was cleaned up, we tried to put him to bed in our room (I wanted to keep an eye on him) but by 3am he (read: we) were still up. Over the course of the evening, I’d been trying to get him to drink and eat but he wasn’t really into it. By 3am I had a not so brilliant idea. I would give him some raspberries and hide the tempra inside them. The second he tasted the Tempra he puked up everything he’d eaten/drank since 11pm. Did I mention that at the time, he was in our bed and so were we?

Needless to say, after everyone got cleaned up (again), I put him to bed (in his crib) and he went right to sleep. I should have known better as neither of them sleep well with Ed and I (a blessing!?).

On Thursday, Ed and I took Reina to Ogdensburg to have her staples taken out. It was a 5-minute visit and she's doing great. Now we "just" have to keep her semi-active for the next 6 weeks (ya right).

On Friday night, Ed and I went to Finnerty’s and Nanna babysat the kids. Laurie and Gary showed up (Eric's Daughter and her husband) and we had a grand ole time.

On Saturday, the kids turned 18 months old.

Artemis is now wearing size 4 diapers (same as Max). Size 3’s still fit her (around the waist) but her body is really long. She’s still wearing size 6-month pants! Max is wearing 12-18 month pants (we have to roll up the legs).

Artemis really started to talk up a storm two weeks ago. Max has added “buh buh” to his list of words (he even waves while saying it). He randomly comes out with words (usually ones that you’ve just said). Today I asked him “who he was calling” (he was talking on his phone) and he answered back “call” clear as day. His favourite word(s) by far are “Wuz Dat” which we hear 6,793 times a day. He even talks in sentences and uses inflection (we don’t know what he’s saying but we know that it’s a question).

Artemis is able to drink from a normal glass with much success. Max is successful most of the time.

On Sunday morning we went to the Five Star for breakfast. The kids were well behaved (as usual). Thanks Nanna.

This morning, we woke up to a house that was 17 Celsius (63 Fahrenheit). We considered turning on the furnace (it’s the middle of June, crazy!) but opted instead to put another layer on them (the kids).

Today, Ed and I went into the city. It was my first visit since November 2010. We jam packed our day; Old Navy, Ikea (bought the kids an igloo, easel with paper, cactus for Karen), caviar and treats at the European deli, TD Bank (to drop off the plant to Karen), Swiss Chalet and Toys R'Us (we used Ingrid’s gift certificate to buy the kids a “Water Table”, pictures to come, Thanks again Ingrid!).

In the evening we went over to Eric's to watch the (potential) final game of the Stanley Cup but ended up leaving in the first period (after Boston was up 4 to 0).

On Wednesday morning (today), Nanna left.

The kids spent some time drawing. Max tasted inspected every crayon and Artemis really got into it. Check out her paper, she did everything besides the four suns.

Thankfully, the weather has taken a turn (for the better) and we’re able to put on “summery” clothes and play in our new water table.

The kids spend most of their day trying to kill (invisible) mosquitos (Thanks Nanna). Funny thing is that as I was writing this, they’d found a real one and were trying to kill it. Nanna has trained them well. Thankfully, the “Mosquito Invasion” is almost over.

The garden is coming along nicely; beets, radishes, spinach and green beans are out. Just waiting on lettuce and peppers. One cucumber plant (out of 16) has come up. I think that I’ll plant zucchini instead.

A few months ago, the kids dropped their afternoon (second) nap. Two weeks ago they added it back. I think that teething (getting in their molars) has made them more tired. Other than that, life is pretty “normal”.

The kids LOVE music. Their CD player broke a few weeks ago so Nanna bought them a new one. Let the dancing continue.

Gypsy Girl and Mommy

This is what I look like with Hair

What Max said (with the most serious face): La ret ma blee goy hir blah, blah, blah.
What Max meant: (Who Knows)

Just hanging out (literally)

Max loves his new toy

Monkey takes a canoe ride on the carpet

Modeling her new (faux) fur vest in blue (of course)

I know that I look silly but Mommy refuses to cut my hair

Breakfast at the Five Star (afterwards, past naptime)

Who is that cool fox in her "blue suede shoes hat"?

Playing with Pinwheels

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