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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Flower, Foe or Wine. What Do You See? {WW}

Dandelions as Far as the Eye can See

The Zoo sees a FOE!

Wordless Wednesday

Journeys of The Zoo  Besos, The Zoo


  1. Definitely a foe! I spend way too much time trying to get rid of them. haha.

  2. I see something that causes strife in our family and puts me promptly in the middle! LOL

    My hubby hates them, my boys love them and bring them home to me, or pick them and blow the seeds and I hear about it! LOL

    I have a friend who has a field of them, and she just takes pics of her kids with them every year.

    Thanks for linking up with my comet love linky! You can link up again if you would like to.

  3. Definitely not a friend, certainly not a foe...
    and wine, oh my, that adds to my woes...
    but collard greens are such a treat...
    or even in a salad alongside meat...

    1. (Collard greens are a leaf from cabbage and other greens like kale, spinach and dandelion greens.)

    2. This is absolutely brilliant. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Well if my little one is with me I see a lovely flower. Otherwise it is "must destroy" but only if they are in my lawn......

  5. Flower, until the little ones are out of sight, then it's a foe. With a lot of family members.
